Bo is a strong supporter of the U.S. constitution. He will always ensure that the values and liberties given to us by our Creator are protected, as enshrined in our founding documents.
"We need to protect that freedom by rolling back the federal regulations and overreach. We need to give power back to the local level and to the people so that we remain a land where liberty can flourish."
Bo is a strong supporter of the 2nd amendment and believes that without it, the rest of the Bill of Rights would be nothing more than toothless suggestions for would-be tyrants and nefarious politicians.
"The 2nd Amendment is not just about the right to keep and bear arms - ranging from modern sporting rifles to hunting rifles - it also guarantees our freedom from tyranny and governmental overreach."

Bo is a strong believer of individual, religious liberty which comes from our Creator and not forced on us by the government. Additionally, the right of free speech is ingrained in our constitution and applies to all of us, whether they agree with us or not.
"Christians have been witnessing an unprecedented attack on our right to freely exercise our religion by liberal progressives who use the government (including the courts stacked with leftist judges) to force acceptance of their agenda on us. I will not be intimidated by the intolerant far-left activists pushing their radical agenda on the Wyoming people."
Bo believes in free market capitalism which led to the economic strength of this beautiful nation. He will fight socialism at every turn, and will never forget what capitalism has done for America and her people.
"We need to get the government out of the way so that the people can do what they do best — innovate, expand, and create new jobs. Government itself cannot create jobs, but it surely can kill them."

Bo believes that one of the greatest job killers of all is Obama-Care and its Trojan horse: Medicaid Expansion. Both take us in the direction of central planning and socialism, and that is the opposite direction we need to go.
"We need Health Care Reform and it must start with the full repeal of Obama-Care. Specifically, we need to open insurance markets across state lines, expand Health Savings Accounts, and make health insurance and employment no longer linked together. Transparency of prices, eliminating fraud, regulatory reform, and unleashing the free market will drive health care costs down."
Bo is a strong supporter of keeping public lands public and he would never support any effort to make them private. Public lands are part of our Wyoming heritage and should stay part of it.
"I do support efforts that give Wyoming more control over the management, decision making and how those lands are used. I trust the people of Wyoming more than Washington D.C. bureaucrats or East Coast elites to dictate the use of our lands."

Bo believes that Wyoming has been blessed with an abundance of riches when it comes to natural resources. Our state and local economies depend largely on the energy industry; therefore we must not kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.
"We must not turn our back on coal, oil and natural gas; we must keep our taxes low and regulations fair and practical so Wyoming will again see tremendous economic growth and job opportunities for our families."
Bo supports local control over education where the decisions of curriculum and testing are made by those who actually live in the school district, not by central planners far removed from the people affected by their decisions.
"I oppose federal control and the centralization of education. While standards may be useful to measure progress, they have certainly changed the way we educate our children, and not for the better. The federal education experiment has cost taxpayers countless billions of dollars and has failed to improve education."

Bo stands with the Military, and is committed to honoring our veterans, and providing them the care they have earned.
"We should expand options for our service members’ health care so they have more choices and more immediate service. I will do what I can at the state level to help our wounded and disabled vets."
Bo believes that illegal immigration is a big issue for our communities - bringing high crime rates, drugs, human trafficking and social issues to them. have fought hard to crack down on violent offenders and protect victims of domestic violence.
"I support Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform to protect innocent citizens from warrant-less searches and seizures of property. In America, you are innocent until proven guilty not the other way around. Additionally, I do not believe any person or any group of people should be in a “protected class”. All people are equal and deserve equal justice under the law."

Bo believes that family is the fundamental building block of society. Life is a valuable gift from God and it must be protected from conception to natural death.
"I am 100% Pro-Life and my record proves it. I will continue to uphold the values we hold dear and give the everyday people of Sheridan County a voice in Cheyenne."